The Youth Work in Diverse Societies module offers an opportunity to consider key questions for youth work in practice. This includes, how we define a diverse society, what the term diversity means for us in practice and how do we ensure that practice is inclusive for all those with whom we engage, regardless of context, culture, gender, ethnicity, sexuality and ability.
We can think of diversity as the vast range of human difference. It includes such themes as, race, age, social class, ethnicity, gender and identity, physical ability and attributes, nationality and ethnicity, religious and ethical beliefs and political values and sexual orientation. If this is the case, then all societies are diverse societies and this diversity is a theme for youth workers to consider in practice (Friel and McDermott, 2018). The module consists of three units:
1. Introducing Youth Work in a Diverse Society
2. Knowledge, Skills & Self-awareness
3. Diversity in Practice

Each unit contains an interactive video along with downloadable resource material you can access on a variety of devices. All videos are subtitled in English. The video is in the region of 20-30 minutes with the interactivity and about five minutes if you watch the original video straight through without the interactivity. Both options are available below. While individual video are informative in its own right, the interactive dimension invites you to engage more deeply with the topic, to ‘watch, read, reflect and act.’
The downloadable resource in pdf format delves deeper again and provides additional information and resources on each unit’s topic. It is entirely up to you how to engage with the material though we suggest that there is an value in engaging with each unit sequentially.
Ulster University took a lead on developing this module tin collaboration with colleagues in Humak University of Applied Sciences.
Unit 1 – Introducing Youth Work in a Diverse Society
Starts the interactive video

Unit 2 – Knowledge, Skills & Self-awareness
Starts the interactive video

Unit 3 – Diversity in Practice
Starts the interactive video

More Sources and Resources
You will find additional Sources and Resources on this and other Youth Work topics here.